How to Potty Train Your Shih Tzu Puppy in 4 Easy Steps

How To House Train My Shih Tzu Puppy

One of the easiest and most convenient things you could do to toilet train your Shih Tzu pup is to feed them on a regular and consistent schedule.

Our responsibility and commitment as pet owners are to show our dogs where they could and couldn’t go. Keep in mind that toilet training is not an overnight process, but it is a great opportunity for you to be consistent, and that’s a sign of a commendable teacher.

Shih Tzus—and dogs in general—are not born knowing where and when they should and should not relieve themselves. Toilet training success is achieved the easiest when you are able to control your pet’s environment and supervise them well.

How To House Train My Shih Tzu Puppy

Your ultimate goal should be to train your Shih Tzu that your house is also their house. Remember that by instinct, dogs don’t really like to urinate and defecate where they sleep and rest, but it could take some time for them to recognize your entire home as their residence too.

You initially want to train your Shih Tzu to understand that there’s a particular area for their living area, before you can expect them to recognize the living room, bathroom, the kitchen, and so on until they have learned that your entire home is also their home.

You can train your Shih Tzu to understand this by gradually giving them access to the whole house under strict supervision over time, together with frequently taking them outside.

Dealing with Issues

Pups are distracted by their surroundings, whether it’s a smell, sound, or sight, perhaps a leaf blowing by or a squirrel running past. There could also be some dogs barking and howling in the background.

These distractions could totally make your Shih Tzu forget the urge to go potty. They could actually forget that they needed to relieve themselves. Banking in on some natural teaching opportunities with your Shih Tzu pup is a great deal of help.

First things first, whenever your Shih Tzu puppy goes outside, it is crucial that you go out with them. Make sure that you have your pup on-leash as well. You need to guide them through the process and help them steer clear of any distractions. On the other hand, you also need to know whether they have actually gone potty or not.

Thus, if you can, try to look for an environment with minimal distractions, be it environmental smells or sounds or whatever. You could also take advantage of this time to train your Shih Tzu and show your puppy where you want them to urinate or defecate in the future.


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