12 Human Behaviors That Annoy Shih Tzus

9. Making them play with bigger dogs

Human Behaviors That Annoy Shih Tzus - Making them play with bigger dogs

They are companion dogs. Shih Tzu is known for being cuddly, playful and social. But if you suddenly leave them with bigger dogs, very likely they’ll get scared. Avoid any such situation as it shall annoy your Shih Tzu.

10. Grabbing their tail

Human Behaviors That Annoy Shih Tzus - Grabbing their tail

It is very annoying for them. Imagine if someone grabs your hair unnecessarily! The feeling of irritation is mutual for them too! More you can avoid touching and fidgeting with their tail, better it will be for them.

11. Hugging them now and then

Human Behaviors That Annoy Shih Tzus

Humans love hugs, not dogs. They feel nervous, claustrophobic and also can get extremely annoyed. Rather, a belly rub is far better.

12. Not appreciating them

Human Behaviors That Annoy Shih Tzus

If they are doing something good, you need to appreciate them for that. Don’t forget the enthusiastic replies, pats, claps and of course treats!

Now, you know what the don’ts are for your Shih Tzu. With this, have a happy bond with your loving canine friend.


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