What’s in a Name? 20 Unique Shih Tzu Names with Meaning

Unique Shih Tzu Names in Pop Culture


While a lot of pets are featured on a number of social media platforms, Dougie has outperformed many of them in popularity. Dougie is known as the ‘photogenic Shih Tzu,’ and his antics have been documented on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

His pet parents started posting his picture and random videos on Youtube in 2013 when he was a little puppy. Soon after, an Instagram account was created in his honor. A lot of followers signed up to see the “Daily Dougie” post. In fact, his followers on Instagram alone amounted to more than half a million. Dougie, the Shih Tzu, has his own YouTube channel-Dougie, the Shih Tzu-which has just over 4,000 subscribers.


While Dougie, the Shih Tzu, generally plays a leading role in his videos, but he is often followed by fellow Shih Tzu, Marnie the Dog. In one particular post, Dougie and Marnie were featured together in the Instagram photo under the title “Shih Tzu Powers Unite!” Marnie is a unique Shih Tzu too.

Although a number of Shih Tzus have traditionally been literally given “royal treatment” throughout history, Marnie spent years of her life in the streets of Connecticut. She was picked up by local animal control and taken to the animal shelter, where she was taken over by Shirley Braha, her current owner.

Marnie has a permanent tilting of her head, and her tongue sticks to one side-because of vestibular disease. Marnie was taken to the shelter in August 2012. She’s about fifteen years old. Marnie has about 2.1 million followers on Instagram, and she also had a lot of followers on the now-defunct Vine app.


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