Shih Tzu Diarrhea: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

What are the things that you should be aware of in Shih Tzu diarrhea?

The Shih Tzu has a sweet, gentle disposition and is good with kids. However, many owners are unaware that this breed can suffer from chronic diarrhea resulting in medical issues such as dehydration. The key to keeping your Shih Tzu healthy is routine veterinary examinations for any signs of distress or health problems.

If you notice any unusual symptoms like excessive drooling or vomiting, it’s important to take them to the vet right away because these could be signs of poisoning or internal bleeding. This article will go into more detail about what causes diarrhea in Shih Tzus, why it happens and how you can prevent it from happening again.

Shih Tzu Diarrhea

What is Shih Tzu Diarrhea?

Shih Tzu diarrhea is a condition in which your dog can suffer from frequent bouts of watery and loose stools. If this happens, it’s important to take the dog to the vet right away because if they don’t immediately receive treatment there are risks of dehydration.

To understand what causes diarrhea in Shih Tzus it’s first necessary to know what kind of symptoms you might be looking for from your sick pet:

Visual inspection – If you notice that their feces appear too soft or too liquidy, or are abnormally colored, this could be a sign that something is wrong with their diet or health. Stool samples – This will determine whether bacteria or parasites are responsible for the loose stool problem and how much damage has been caused to their body. In addition, you can learn from the sample whether they have any internal bleeding or are suffering from poisoning.

Shih Tzu Diarrhea Causes and Risks

There are many possible reasons why your Shih Tzu could develop diarrhea:


This includes eating too much of one type of food or other ingredients that might be harmful for them such as onions, garlic and chocolate. They can also become dehydrated from excess water on a diet with too little fiber in it, which will lead to loose stool problems.


If your dog has any foreign body inside its intestines then there’s risk that they’ll develop worm or bacterial infections on contact with their feces. Dogs who eat things outside will often encounter parasites when they do so and can easily end up getting infected.

When the infection is inside their body, they will typically show symptoms of irritation in their stomach or rectum which could lead Shih Tzu diarrhea problems. These infections are sometimes due to bad water sources and improper hygiene issues like not cleaning proper after going outside.

Other Causes

Your Shih Tzu’s diet should be based on food that comes from controlled production facilities with minimal use of chemicals for preservation purposes. There should also be a good balance between moisture content within the calcium source they consume, such as dog food products made from vegetables or meat-based proteins.

If you notice that your Shih Tzu suffers chronically from diarrhea-like symptoms then there’s a chance that this is caused by an underlying health problem and you should contact your vet immediately.

Symptoms of Shih Tzu Diarrhea

Before we discuss the potentially severe medical issues caused by Shih Tzu diarrhea, let’s review the typical symptoms you might see. The following list is not all-inclusive, but it does include most of the common symptoms of stomach or intestinal distress:

* Increased thirst

* Vomiting

* Diarrhea

* Decreased appetite

* Excessive drooling

* Weight loss (sometimes severe)

A few of these symptoms are also often associated with respiratory problems or urinary tract infections and your Shih Tzu may have those conditions instead. If you’re concerned about their health, take them to a vet right away as they could be experiencing something much worse than just diarrhea. It’s important that you know what dehydration looks like as well in case your Shih Tzu does become seriously ill. 

Symptoms of dehydration can cause serious damage to their organs and, if left untreated, could be fatal. To keep your fur baby healthy it’s good to know what you’re looking for so you can get proper treatment from a veterinarian right away.

Dehydration in Shih Tzus may cause the skin around their eyes and mouth to look sunken or wrinkled; pets who are dehydrated will also have dark colored urine that is very concentrated with a strong odor.

Treatment Options for Shih Tzu Diarrhea

The good news is that, if the diarrhea is minor and brought on by something like a mild stomach bug or dietary indiscretion, there are steps you can take to stop it quickly. In most cases, your Shih Tzu will be able to make a full recovery without any professional medical intervention. However, in severe cases where dehydration occurs and your pet needs IV fluids for re-hydration treatment, they may need to go to an emergency animal hospital.

Treatment Options for Shih Tzu Diarrhea

In these types of situations, you should not hesitate to seek help from veterinary specialists because even though you love your pet very much, your fur baby’s life depends on it during emergencies like this. If at all possible, try to catch the problem before your little one becomes seriously ill. 

Shih Tzu Diarrhea can be caused by dietary problems, overeating, and eating spoiled or toxic food. If you know your pet recently ate something he should not have (like a piece of chocolate) it’s important to watch for symptoms right away because they could get seriously ill if the diarrhea isn’t quickly resolved.

Moderate cases of Shih Tzu diarrhea can usually be helped quickly by giving them a dose of Lactulose which is available at most veterinary offices. Be sure to follow the directions on the package carefully so you don’t give too much; this drug will cause dehydration if given in large doses but pets will typically recover quickly once it has been taken care of. 

Prevention of Shih Tzu Diarrhea

Here are some strategies you can use to make sure your fur baby doesn’t have any digestive troubles in the future:

* Be on the lookout for food allergies; Signs of a food allergy include vomiting, diarrhea, chronic lethargy and skin rashes. If your vet diagnoses a food allergy, they will recommend you switch your pet’s diet and refer you to a nutritionist who can help you choose dog foods that fit his dietary needs.  

 * Never give your pet human food from the table. Many people try to feed their Shih Tzu scraps of steak, chicken, ice cream, and cheese thinking it’s cute but they are causing an upset stomach and unpleasant digestive problems for their little friend by doing this.

* Be sure you’re only buying premium dog foods from a trusted source so that you know exactly what kind of ingredients are in each formula.

* Don’t overfeed your Shih Tzu; underfeeding him is far better than overfeeding him especially if he tends to overeat when he’s bored or stressed out. It’s best to measure out his food daily so there aren’t any surprises from day to day either; less stress means less chance of diarrhea.

* If your Shih Tzu gets into the trash or is eating grass from the lawn, be sure he’s not getting any plants that can cause upset stomachs like dandelions, holly, and ivy.

* Don’t allow him to drink from swimming pools. Very young or old animals are in danger of getting fatal intestinal blockage if they consume chlorine which could lead to severe vomiting and diarrhea for days after exposure. 

Other Considerations for Shih Tzu Diarrhea

The good news is that, if your fur baby does suffer from diarrhea because of dietary indiscretion or food allergies, you can usually help them get it under control quickly. Just be sure to follow the vet’s instructions on how much Lactulose to give your pet and keep giving it until he makes a full recovery; this typically takes one to two days for minor cases. If you’re not entirely successful in treating his symptoms at home, take him into seeing a professional veterinarian immediately so they can determine what’s going on and begin treatment right away.

Be prepared to make an office visit as soon as possible even if he seems fine now because any delay could lead to hours lost which will greatly increase the chances of dehydration becoming serious enough to cause lasting health problems. The sooner you catch a problem like diarrhea, the less chance it has to hurt your little one.

Shih Tzu Diarrhea – Conclusion

Shih Tzu Diarrhea is a common and painful condition. As you can see, there are many different causes for diarrhea in this breed of dog. The best way to deal with it is through prevention! You should always be sure to keep your pet’s food fresh and clean by washing dishes often, avoid feeding any human foods or table scraps (including onions), provide plenty of water, and maintain an appropriate diet for the size of their new body type


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