What Should You Remember When Feeding Your Shih Tzu?

What are the important things to know when Feeding Your Shih Tzu?

A Shih Tzu is a small dog that requires special consideration when deciding how much to feed them. They have different nutritional requirements depending on their age, activity level, and size. This blog post will provide some guidelines for determining the appropriate amount of food to give when feeding your Shih Tzu.

What to Feed Your Shih Tzu

A lot of people ask what to feed their Shih Tzu. The answer is not always so simple, but it can be narrowed down to a few important points:

-You should give your dog a high-quality food that has been tested for safety and nutrition.

-Your dog needs protein, fat, carbohydrates and other nutrients in order to stay healthy and grow up strong. This means choosing a good quality pet food with these ingredients in the right ratios.

-It’s okay if you have allergies or sensitivities because there are many different types of foods available on the market today that will meet your needs.

-You should be feeding your Shih Tzu at least twice a day, and not let it go more than 12 hours without food.

-Dogs need to be active every day in order to stay healthy. If you have the time (and energy), this can mean taking them for walks and playing with toys around the house or yard. But if you don’t have enough time, then playtime needs to happen on its own by feeding premium treats throughout the day as well as having plenty of space within their home for running and jumping!

How Much Food Should a Shih Tzu Eat per Day

One of the most common questions that pet owners have is, “How much food should you be feeding your Shih Tzu every day?” Unfortunately, there is no answer to this question because it depends on many factors including activity level, age and weight. What we can do is give you a good idea of what veterinarians recommend as a general guideline for feeding your dog.

The average recommended amount of food for a Shih Tzu is about one cup. This means that they should have the same size servings throughout the day, with three meals and two snacks. If you are unsure how much to give them per meal or snack then we recommend starting at this guideline and adjusting as needed depending on your dog’s weight loss goals, age, activity level and stomach sensitivity.

Dogs can be given dry or wet food, but it is important to watch their weight and adjust accordingly. Other than the type of food you are giving your dog, there are a few things you should keep in mind when deciding how much to give them: If your pup doesn’t eat enough, they may not get all the nutrients they need. If they eat too much, then this could lead to obesity and other health problems down the line. It’s important that you find what works for both of you!

Feeding Your Shih Tzu?
Feeding your Shih Tzu

You should make sure your pup is getting enough to eat. This can be done by looking at their weight and how much food they are eating each day. If the dog’s weight has gone up significantly in a short period of time or if they don’t seem to be interested in what you’re giving them, it may not matter what type of food you serve them — because they might not need any more! The best thing would probably just be start decreasing the amount until both parties get back on track with a healthy lifestyle together.

Why Do Some Shih Tzus Have Trouble Maintaining Weight

So, you’ve been thinking about getting a Shih Tzu. They are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world for many reasons. But have you ever thought about why some Shih Tzus have trouble maintaining their weight?

– Obesity is often caused by feeding your Shih Tzu too many calories. Sometimes, it’s due to obesity in the parents – a condition that can be passed down from generation to generation!

– Oversized portions of food and treats add up quickly when they are given daily

– Puppies who do not get enough exercise may become overweight as adults if allowed free access to food all day long

– Genetic factors make some breeds more prone to weight problems than others; for example, Labrador Retrievers were found to have an increased risk of becoming obese because their body size makes them less likely than smaller dogs like Pugs or Shih Tzus.

When Should You Feed Your ShihTzu?

There are many different opinions on when a dog should be fed. Some people say that the most important time to be feeding your Shih Tzu is after they have been exercising, while others will tell you that it’s best to feed them twice per day at regular intervals. There does not seem to be any consensus among veterinarians and experts in dog care as there appears to be no one “correct” answer for this question.

The rule of thumb is that your Shih Tzu needs food every 12 hours; however, if you’re giving them dry kibble specifically, then they only need food once per day because it contains all the nutrients needed by their body up until around 16 hours later.

Why is It Important to Keep a Close Eye on the Amount of Food You’re Giving Them  

Keeping an eye on the amount of food you’re feeding your Shih Tzu is important for many reasons. If they eat too much, it can lead to obesity and diabetes. It also affects their teeth because large amounts of carbohydrates in a dog’s diet will rot their teeth quickly. Keeping a close eye on how much food you’re feeding them can help prevent these problems from happening:

When feeding your Shih Tzu they need a high protein, low carbohydrate diet. Dogs are carnivores and have evolved to eat raw meat in their natural habitat, not carbohydrates like humans do. A dog’s metabolism is much higher than ours so it needs more food because the body metabolizes calories at an average of four times quicker than we do.

If you’re feeding your shih tzu twice a day with just one meal being dry kibble then they will likely be eating too many carbs and this can lead to tooth decay or other health problems such as diabetes and heart problems.

Dogs are natural meat eaters and their diet should consist mostly of lean protein, vegetables, and carbohydrates. However, like us humans they also enjoy the occasional indulgence. When it comes to treats for your dog there is a limit on how much you can feed them. Make sure that any treats you are feeding your Shih Tzu do not exceed 10% of the daily caloric intake (this should not exceed 100 calories).

The following are examples of treats that can be given when feeding your Shih Tzu:

-A very small piece of cheese (less than a teaspoon)

-Small pieces of cooked vegetables or fruit, and meats such as deli turkey slices. The size should not exceed the size of their nose at its widest point.

Do not feed any raw products such as meat scraps, chicken bones etc. These types of food items do not have much nutritional value and could lead into digestive issues for your pup if consumed too often.

It’s important to remember that while the occasional treat is okay it should never replace an adequate diet plan you may already be feeding them!


As you can see, there are many factors that go into feeding your Shih Tzu and maintaining a healthy weight. It’s important to follow the guidelines for their specific breed as well as take note of what may be causing them to have trouble with weight loss such as medical conditions or anxiety issues. If you’re concerned about your pet’s health or need help making adjustments in their diet, we recommend visiting an animal expert who knows how best to care for your dog based on its age, size and activity level. You’ll find plenty more information on our blog if you would like to learn more about caring and feeding your Shih Tzu!


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