6 health problems which are common among Shi Tzu

4. IVD diseases

IVD diseases

The Intervertebral Disk Disease is common among Shih Tzu, Basset Hound, and the Beagle. In this, a disc falls out of places and presses right into the spinal cord. It is rather painful for the Shih Tzu, and common symptoms include muscle spasms and loss of strength in the limbs.

Take them to the vet immediately, or this might result in paralysis. If it doesn’t subside with medication, then surgery might be needed.

5. Umbilical hernia

Umbilical hernia

In this, a protrusion of the belly occurs. While small hernias are generally harmless, however, large hernias can cause the strangulation of the intestines. While some might be inherited, there are, however, cases where the umbilical rings failed to close after mating and resulted in a hernia. The common signs include continuous vomiting, loss of weight and depression. You have to take them to the vet during such situations as surgery is required.

6. Hip dysplasia

Hip dysplasia

In Hip Dysplasia, the hip joint falls out of place and is characterized by a funny way of walking. They might even face health problems moving or rising up. Take them to the vet to discuss possible treatment options.

Take good care of your Shih Tzu and look for early signs and treat them early.


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