How to fix Shih Tzu skin issues: 3 Essential Things to Know

Shih Tzu Skin Issues Treatment

Shih Tzu skin issues could suddenly occur due to a number of possible reasons. This might start as skin flaking or a small red nodule accompanied by excessive scratching. Once you notice this behavior in your Shih Tzu, it’s vital to take note of when and how frequently it happens to help pinpoint the possible triggers.

Although it’s always best to take your Shih Tzu to a veterinarian, if there are times when you aren’t available for a veterinary consultation, there are natural treatments and home remedies that you can concoct to help your Shih Tzu lessen the irritation.

For skin allergies and inflammatory reactions, mix a teaspoon of dried sage leaves, ¼ tablespoon of Epsom salt, and a teaspoon of thyme in a quart of boiling water. Cool the solution down and apply it to their skin.

Shih Tzu Skin Issues Treatment

Your Shih Tzu would feel soothed and will make them relax and stop scratching. Nonetheless, if there is a formation of pus on the skin, you could add hydrogen peroxide. Mix about ¼ cup of hydrogen peroxide into your dog’s shampoo and bathe them with the mixture. This would prevent any bacterial infection on the wounds and lesions.

Should you notice any parasites like lice, mites, and ticks, you could apply topical solutions such as lemongrass, wormwood, and tincture of Agrimony. The odor of these substances could deter insects and prevent them from biting your Shih Tzu’s superficial skin.

These natural treatments might look simple, but they could definitely be effective, particularly if they’re used regularly and if you notice skin lesions and inflamed skin at the early stage. However, as soon as you see wounds and excessive pus production, it would be best to take your pet to the veterinarian because that phase of infection already necessitates antibiotic intervention and medicated topical creams and balms.

Shih Tzu Skin Issues Prevention

Remove the Source

An external source sometimes triggers skin irritation. In these instances, you would need to remove that source. Certain foods, materials, products, fleas, the environment, and allergens play a role in this. Keep in mind that there are many potential external triggers for skin issues. Keeping them away from your Shih Tzu, or learning how to effectively manage their presence, is important in reducing the possibility of Shih Tzu skin issues.

Supplements and Diet

As with most Shih Tzu skin issues, a healthy diet and proper supplements can help. Omega 3 fatty acids and vitamins are prime examples of the essential your Shih Tzu could need. Of course, it still depends on your dog’s skin problems, and you should identify what is best for the issue at hand first. However, together with a healthy and balanced diet, these nutrients and supplements could be a huge help.

Ensure that you speak with your vet before making any of these choices. In other cases, your Shih Tzu may need medical attention or medications for some underlying issues that you can’t correctly diagnose at home.


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