Shih Tzu Shedding/ Shih Tzu Hypoallergenic, Explained

Excessive Shedding

If your Shih Tzu shedding is excessively it could be due to a dry coat. There are two things that may cause your dog to shed more than usual. One is an allergy or Allergic Dermatitis and the other is dry skin due to winter.

Allergic Dermatitis can occur due to an allergy from food. If your dog has an allergy his/her skin will be irritated and the strength of his/her hair follicles will be affected causing them to be dry and brittle.

In winter your Shih Tzus’ hair can shed due to the dryness in the air. A humidifier in the house can help this situation

If there are other symptoms besides shedding as in a strong odour, dandruff or an oily coat might be time to take your dog to a veterinarian. These symptoms might indicate that your dog could be sick.

Keeping Your Shih Tzu’s Hair Healthy

A Shih Tzu’s hair should be soft and shiny with no unpleasant smell. To accomplish this brushing your dog is important. You can do this yourself or find a groomer or veterinarian to brush your dog.

A Shih Tzu needs to be brushed two times a week due to their long hair. If you choose to brush your dog’s hair not only are you grooming your dog, but you are also bonding with your dog.


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