For dogs, eggs are safe, as long as they are fully cooked. Cooked eggs are a wonderful protein source and can help an upset stomach. Eating raw egg whites, however, can contribute to biotin deficiency, so be sure to cook the eggs all the way before you give them to your pet.
A good source of omega-3 fatty acids – these are responsible for keeping the coat of your dog healthy and shiny, as well as supporting the immune system of your dog. Feed cooked salmon to your dog, add salmon oil to your food bowl or slip some of your unwanted fish skins to it. Raw or undercooked salmon, however, contain parasites that can make dogs very sick, causing vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and even death in extreme cases. Make sure that salmon is cooked all the way through (the FDA recommends at least 145 degrees Fahrenheit), and the parasites should cook.