7. Lesions of Skin
If you see there are some unknown lesions without any injury, then you must know that your Shih Tzu is unwell. This can be a sign of some serious health problem; taking proper medical attention from the vet is the only good decision.
8. Swollen belly
Another major sign of sickness! Their belly swells when they have some severe issues going on. Even when they don’t eat, there is a bloated belly indicating some forthcoming sickness.
These are the signs that indicate your Shih Tzu is unwell and it calls for medical attention. Now, you must know what the usual health problems they face.
Some common health issues faced by Shih Tzu
- Infection
- Dental disease
- Obesity
- Heart failure
- Breathing problem
- Depression
- Anemia
- Dehydration
- Cancer
All these are some of the terrifying health concerns that call for prior prevention. You can only do it once you know the signs well. Take care of your Shih Tzu!