5 Best Things to Know About Separation Anxiety in Shih Tzus: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Causes of Separation Anxiety in Shih Tzus

Separation anxiety in Shih Tzus could be acquired early, particularly in pups that were taken away from their moms and litter siblings too early. This is particularly true of pups that were not sourced from a reliable dog breeder. The pup is taken away from his familiar environment before he’s completely weaned and then kept in a cage for probably a few weeks until he’s sold.

Lack of sufficient exercise and lack of proper socialization causes anxiety and distress. Then, when he is sold, the Shih Tzu pup has to experience another confusion when he’s brought to his new family and new home. It is no surprise that once the Shih Tzu pup has settled in and already familiar with his new family and new environment, he becomes scared and anxious that he will lose everything again.

Another element that could add up to a Shih Tzu’s separation anxiety is the lack of exercise. If your Shih has not been out for a quick walk before you leave home, then he’s going to have too much energy that he would work off inside your house.

Shih Tzu Separation Anxiety Treatment

You first need to diagnose that it’s separation anxiety that your dog is currently experiencing, and not some health and medical issues. If, again, you are in doubt, you should consult your veterinarian prior to taking any actions to try and deal with your dog’s anxiety issues. Your vet could suggest some training exercises for your dog to complete at home or even in doggy training classes.

In severe cases, he could even refer you to a dog behavioral specialist. Moreover, he can also prescribe an antidepressant to get your dog through the worst of his bouts with separation anxiety. If your dog is prescribed such medications, it would only be for a short period until conventional training approaches start to improve his condition.

However, if you would rather not give your Shih Tzu dog such drugs, you could try to give them pheromone releasing diffusers available specially made to calm dogs.

These are likewise available in the form of a jacket for your pup to wear.
You could do several things at home to alleviate the symptoms of separation anxiety and, hopefully, eradicate them totally after some time. However, this would involve training your dog to deal with your temporary absence and some psychological approaches to help your dog be comfortable when left alone at home.

Nevertheless, the first thing and most important thing to remember about treating separation anxiety in Shih Tzus is NEVER to reprimand or punish your dog for his actions. Keep in mind that a dog—regardless of the breed– would always want to please the leader of his pack: you. Any inappropriate behavior is acted out of distress and panic and not because your dog wants to display any malice towards you.


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