10 Shih Tzu Foods that are a No-No

1. Avocado

Avocado contains a toxin called persin found in the fruit pit. The toxin may also develop in other parts of the fruit. Although this fruit is more toxic to birds and larger animals, such as cattle, it still has negative effects on Shih Tzus, such as vomiting and constipation. The higher risk for avocado is when dogs consume the pit — this could get stuck in your pet’s stomach, intestinal tract, or esophagus.

Shih Tzu Foods

2. Macadamia nuts

Macadamia nuts may be beneficial to humans, but they are definitely not the food you should give to your Shih Tzu. These nuts include a toxin that can cause side effects like depression, weakness, tremor and hyperthermia.

Shih Tzu Foods


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