11 Natural Ways to Prevent Fleas in Shih Tzu Dogs for Good

Horse Apples

For another natural flea repellant option, cut horse apples or Osage oranges in half and place a half in every room and hallway of your house. These should deter not only fleas but other insects as well and would last up to ten weeks in an air-conditioned home.

Natural Ways to Prevent Fleas cedar Oil

Cedar Oil

To eradicate fleas off your Shih Tzu, dilute five drops of cedar oil with about three teaspoons of water, then wet your dog’s collar five to ten drops of the solution. These oil extracts are also safe for treating Shih Tzu pups with fleas, provided that it’s used in moderation. Reapply the solution once or twice a week.

Lemon Juice

Here’s an effective flea dip for your Shih Tzu: Slice up a big lemon and put it in a pot of boiling water. Then, remove the pot from the heat and cover it. Leave the solution overnight, and then dip your Shih Tzu’s comb in it the next day and run the comb through their coat.

Vinegar Spray

Add shine to your Shih Tzu’s coat with this flea repellent. Mix a cup of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar with about three cups of water, then add three drops of cedar oil. Mix well, then pour the solution into a spray bottle. Gently spray your Shih Tzu, but be very careful to avoid their eyes, nose, and ears. If you are concerned about spraying on sensitive areas, moisten a cloth with the mix and wipe it around your Shih’s neck and behind his or her ears instead of spraying the solution.

Pennyroyal Herb

Natural Ways to Prevent Fleas - Pennyroyal herb
Natural Ways to Prevent Fleas

The pennyroyal herb is a wonderful natural remedy to get rid of fleas in your yard. You can try planting pennyroyal herbs in your yard or anywhere near your Shih Tzus love to play. Nevertheless, carefully watch pets and kids in the yard if you decide to plant pennyroyal herbs because it could be toxic to both animals and humans when consumed. A few drops of pennyroyal oil or extract could be added to your Shih Tzu’s collar if it is not in direct contact with his or her skin. However, if you start to notice your pet showing signs of allergy, like itching excessively, remove the collar promptly.



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